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Smart homes for healthier ageing

The UK faces a major demographic shift, with the number of people aged 65 and older growing and the number of young people in decline. This change in the country’s age profile has serious implications for numerous areas of society; the economy, healthcare, pensions and taxation. 

As people become older, their ability to live independent lives declines with the onset of a range of health issues. Some will find their mobility increasingly limited as they age. Others will experience a decline in cognitive function with conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease. A growing number of people will require help to live healthy, independent lives. This demographic shift will mean fewer people in the workforce able to care for the larger number of elderly people who require it. 

This paper illustrates how digital technology could augment what humans are able to do to care for senior citizens. The report points out the opportunities that exist for embedding digital technology into more smartly built properties, while we intensify efforts to integrate technology with the existing building stock, such as peoples’ private homes, sheltered accommodation or residential care homes. 

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